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Madison Metropolitan School District

Summit Credit Union

Open an account and get $25 instantly! Plus, show your school spirit with a free debit card.*

Want more? Get the chance to win a $100 gift card with your new account!*

*See for more details.

Good financial advice at a young age makes all the difference. That’s why we’re proud to partner with Summit Credit Union and host a student branch at Memorial High School. Students can not only cash checks, get change, and make deposits or withdrawals, but Summit also utilizes the help of MHS students in the branch itself. It's a win-win situation! 

Summit Credit Union logo

Through MMSD's partnership with Summit Credit Union your student's gets:

  • Money savvy tips when an SCU rep speaks in classrooms
  • Financial guidance that can help students manage their money
  • Access to online financial tools that help your student avoid costly financial mistakes
  • A variety of scholarship opportunities
  • Access to private student loans to help pay for education expenses that may not be covered by your student's financial aid package

Encourage your student to stop by Summit Credit Union at Memorial High School.

Summit Credit Union

608-243-5000 | 800-236-5560

Lobby Hours

Open to faculty and students during the lunch period. Our Memorial High School location is a limited service branch, available to school staff and students. For additional needs, please visit one of our full service branches.

Financial Education Resources

Summit’s financial education partnership with high schools provides young adults with the resources they need to be financially successful. Below is a menu of online and in-person financial literacy options that can be provided and customized to meet students’ needs.

Insured by NCUA