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Madison Metropolitan School District

Current Weekly Announcements

Go-To-School Open House

Go-to-School Open House this year is scheduled for Monday, September 16th.   Students AND their families are encouraged to drop-in from 6:00-8:00pm to walk their students’ schedules, meet teachers, see our new and remodeled spaces, and connect with other students and families who are part of our Memorial community.  Additional information available here.

No School for Students on Monday, September 16

A reminder that high school students do not have classes on 9/16.  For more information regarding this year’s school calendar, visit  

No Admit List

We will again be implementing our No Admit List to encourage strong attendance during the school day so that students can attend after-school sporting events (as spectators) and dances.  Starting Monday, September 11, students and parents/ guardians of students with 2+ unexcused absences and/or 4+ tardies during the preceding week will receive a Monday email letting them know their attendance as currently recorded in IC has identified them as needing to be on the No Admit List for the upcoming week.  The week of September 5th was a “practice week” for students as they learned to navigate our building and received reminders as to on-time class attendance. Attendance from the Week of 9/9/24 will be used to determine possible inclusion on the No Admit List for the week of 9/16.  To read more about Memorial’s No Admit List, read this information sheet.

Cell Phone Practices for the 24-25 School Year

All MMSD High Schools will continue to implement universal expectations regarding personal electronic devices in classrooms with the goal of establishing clear rules and expectations regarding the appropriate use of personal electronic devices with our high school-aged students.  Please review this information and know that teachers will be introducing and reinforcing these expectations across the school year.

Attendance Information

Did you know that September is attendance awareness month? This is a time to focus on the importance of regular attendance to promote student success. Regular attendance in school boosts academic performance, strengthens relationships, and helps develop good habits. As a parent/guardian, you can support positive attendance by talking to your child about the importance of school attendance, helping them plan and manage their time effectively, and contacting the school if your child will be absent or is struggling to attend. Absences (appointment, illness, college visit, etc.) should be reported to your student's neighborhood office administrative assistant in the morning. Contact information for the neighborhood offices is as follows:

Attendance can also be reported online through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus. Please note the process has changed slightly from previous years. Helpful resources are below:

  • Attendance Brochure: Information about how to excuse your student, how to access student attendance and grade information in Infinite Campus, VPM’s progressive tardy practice, etc. 
  • VPM Daily Bell Schedule

Study Halls / Approved Activities

If your student is currently scheduled into a Study Hall for Semester 1,  you can choose to have them sign out of their Study Hall(s) and not attend during that period by completing our Approved Activity Form (English/ Spanish).  This form requires a parent / guardian signature in order to be processed.  Your student can return the form to school on their first day back, or you can scan and email it back to us at any time.  As a reminder, students that sign out of a Study Hall are not allowed in the building during that time. Please consider transportation issues when making the decision to have your student stay or sign-out of Study Hall.

Class Assistant Opportunities

Students in grades 10-12 have the opportunity to earn ½ credit per semester by serving as a classroom assistant during one of their scheduled Study Halls.  If you are interested, complete the Class Assistant Request Form found in Neighborhood Offices. Because class assistants can serve in a variety of roles, including peer tutor, it is expected that they have already taken and passed the course/level in which they are assisting.

Vaccine Clinics

Vaccination Clinics are once again being brought to you by MMSD, SSM Health, GHC, UW-Health, and Public Health Madison & Dane County. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Bus / Madison Metro Information

Find bus routes and bus stop reminders, as well as additional information for students riding Madison Metro buses at Students can ride the Madison Metro Transit bus to and from school for free during the first days of school.  Students eligible for free bus passes can pick them up the first week of school through their neighborhood offices.  

Locker Assignments

Lockers will be assigned to students who want one beginning this week.  A Google form was sent to all students giving them the opportunity to request a locker and a locker partner of their choosing.  Students are encouraged to share a locker with a partner.  If for any reason your child is unable to use a combination lock, please contact Ms. Christian by email at or by phone at (608) 663-6172.

Parking Permits for Juniors and Seniors

Seniors and Juniors are eligible to request a parking permit using this VPM Parking Permit Request form. Sophomores are not eligible to get a parking permit during 1st Semester.  If more students request a permit than we have capacity for, a waiting list will be started.

The FEE for parking permits is $40. Only one permit will be sold per family. Every student who purchases a parking permit will be required to sign a parking agreement, and violation of that agreement could result in being ticketed and/or having parking privileges suspended or revoked.  

For drivers who are not able to get a parking permit for the lot, please know that there is quite a bit of legal street parking close to campus on Tree Ln, Gammon Pl, Inner Dr, Grand Canyon Dr, Offshore Dr, Yellowstone Dr, Gettysburg Dr, and other streets close to campus.  Students should not park in the Ezekiel Gillespie parking lot or in parking lots associated with local businesses.

Athletics and Online Ticket Sales & Live Event Streaming

All of Wisconsin’s Big 8 High School Conference teams are integrating their scheduling, ticketing, streaming and athletic websites into one place with Elite One programming. Two of the biggest updates to the 2024-25 athletic seasons are online ticketing and streaming of all sporting events. 

  • Online Ticket Sales: Visit the GoFan website ( or download the GoFan app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store, search for Memorial, and buy tickets for any sporting event. For more information on the ticketing service, watch this  introductory video by Madison West Athletic Director Corvonn Gaines (  Please note, cash sales are no longer available at ticketed athletic events and refunds cannot be issued for tickets purchased in error. 

  • Event Streaming: Through NFHS programming, every sporting event in our spectator gyms and stadiums within the Big 8 conference, both home and away, will be streamed online. Watch a streaming tutorial video by MMSD Athletic Director Jeremy Schlitz to learn more (

This Year’s Daily Schedule

Be sure to review our 2024-2025 Bell Schedule.  Please note that high schools no longer have a Monday early release schedule.